Called to be in Communion
The theme of the Encuentro "Called to be in Communion: Creating Spaces for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. A meeting that will provide the opportunity for reflection, personal enrichment and sharing our own experiences...
Bienvenido a AHLMA -
Asociación de Hermanas Latinas
Misioneras en América
The theme of the Encuentro "Called to be in Communion: Creating Spaces for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. A meeting that will provide the opportunity for reflection, personal enrichment and sharing our own experiences...
AHLMA [Asociación de Hermanas Latinas Misioneras en América], our association of Latin American and Latina Sisters serving in the United States. With your support and encouragement, we have begun a leadership transition that will help us refocus the vision.
From our homes we want to be close with our prayers to all the families who are suffering due to COVID-19...